Group Term Life Insurance Plan

Like you, we understand the importance of protection. After all, life is ever-changing and never guaranteed. If you were to pass away, the AFSA Group Term Life Insurance plan can help provide your loved ones with financial support.

Why Choose AFSA Group Term Life Insurance?

You have a lot of choices when it comes to purchasing life insurance. Here’s why you should consider AFSA:

  • Competitive rates: We leverage the group buying power of all AFSA members to bring you economical rates.
  • Portable policies: Your policy will stay with you even if you change jobs.*
  • Straightforward service: Our knowledgeable insurance representatives can help you interpret insurance jargon, fill out an application, file a claim, and more.
  • A loyal organization: AFSA is 100% committed to you. We've been advocating on your behalf since 1961.
  • A trustworthy carrier: Our term life insurance plan is underwritten by The Hartford1, a leading provider of life and disability insurance products.

1The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries, including underwriting company Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company, under the brand name, The Hartford®, and is headquartered at One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. For additional details, please read The Hartford's legal notice at

*As long as you remain an AFSA member, pay premiums when due, and the group policy remains in force


Simplified Issue Coverage

Faster underwriting, with no medical exam!**

Up to $200,000* of coverage for eligible members under age 60.

Choose your state to download the appropriate application:

Download, print, and mail your completed application to the address listed in the application.

This insurance product may not be available in all states and U.S. territories.

**Issuance of the insurance coverage is dependent on answers to the health questions.

Standard Issue Coverage

Up to $500,000* of coverage for eligible members under age 60.

Up to $100,000* of coverage for eligible members age 60-69.

Choose your state to download the appropriate application:

Download, print, and mail your completed application to the address listed in the application.

This insurance product may not be available in all states and U.S. territories.

Guaranteed Issue*** Coverage

Are you leaving active duty soon? Eligible members under age 40 can enroll for $25,000 in coverage, available within 45 days of honorable discharge.

Download and mail your enrollment form.

*At age 70, benefits over $100,000 will reduce to $100,000 and at age 80, benefits over $50,000 will reduce to $50,000.

**Issuance of the insurance coverage is dependent on answers to the health questions.

*** All eligible members will be accepted under the Guaranteed Issue Plan under the policy if:1) he or she is an active member under age 40 on the date the company receives his or her written enrollment form; 2) he or she applies within 45 days of the date of discharge from active military service; and 3) during the 90 consecutive day period immediately prior to the date of his or her written enrollment form, he or she was: a) actively at work; or b) if not employed, able to carry on all the normal and customary activities of a person of like age and sex in good health.

Hours: Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT

Coverage is not available in all states.

Plan Highlights

  • Annually renewable, meaning you can renew your coverage each year without a physical exam1
  • Standard issue coverage amounts from $25,000 to $500,0003
  • Spouse/domestic partner coverage available
  • Living benefit option that allows you to receive a portion of your life insurance benefit while you're still living if you're diagnosed with a terminal illness2
  • Discounted rates for nonsmokers
  • $25,000 to $200,0003 of simplified issue coverage available for members under age 60

Want more details? Download the AFSA Group Term Life Insurance brochure.

1As long as you remain an AFSA member, pay premiums when due, and the group policy remains in force

2Terminal Illness or Terminally Ill means a life expectancy of 12 months or less.

3At age 70, benefits over $100,000 will reduce to $100,000 and at age 80, benefits over $50,000 will reduce to $50,000.

Plan Rates

Standard and Simplified Issue Group Term Life
Age Nonsmoker Smoker
<30 $1.85 $3.30
30-34 $2.02 $3.89
35-39 $2.50 $5.05
40-44 $3.65 $7.68
45-49 $5.74 $12.28
50-54 $9.11 $19.61
55-59 $15.69 $33.00
60-64 $21.59 $43.11
65-69 $34.45 $64.34
70-74 $55.39 $94.93
75-79 $93.41 $146.48
80-84 $164.65 $236.69

Dependent child rate (standard issue only): $2.59 monthly

Rates are based on the attained age of the insured person and increase as you enter each new age category. Rates for ages 65 and over are renewal rates only. Rates and/or benefits may be changed on a class basis. Smoker means you or your Dependent who has smoked cigarettes or cigars or used a pipe or chewing tobacco, nicotine chewing gum, or snuff during the 12 months prior to the date application for coverage was made.

Plan Rates

Guaranteed Issue Term Life
Age Male Female
<30 $5.82 $2.77
30-34 $6.12 $3.71
35-39 $7.38 $5.08
*40-44 $11.01 $7.41
*45-49 $16.76 $12.72
*50-54 $25.07 $22.57
*55-59 $43.82 $36.99
*60-64 $61.30 $46.37
*65-69 $99.39 $66.78
*70-74 $158.12 $100.77
*75-79 $261.77 $163.18
*80-84 $446.93 $287.98

*Rates age 40 and over are renewal rates only.

Rates are based on the attained age of the insured person and increase as you enter each new age category. Rates and/or benefits may be changed on a class basis.

Resources (including details on eligibility, termination, exclusions and limitations)

This website explains the general purpose of the insurance described, but in no way changes or affects the Master Policy AGL-1953 as actually issued. In the event of a discrepancy between this website and the policy, the terms of the policy apply. All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Policies underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company detail exclusions, limitations, reduction of benefits and terms under which the policies may be continued in full or discontinued. Complete details are in the Certificate of Insurance issued to each insured individual and the Master Policy issued to the policyholder. This program may vary and may not be available to residents of all states.

Life Form Series includes GBD-1000, GBD-1100, or state equivalent.

Pearl Insurance is the Plan Administrator and insurance broker that administers the insurance plan on behalf of the Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company for the benefit of the Group Policyholder.